Friday, December 12, 2008

A diversion....

I need one or twelve right now. Well, not really I suppose. I have enough to do around here. But, the news is depressing - even the internet has become depressing to me. I'm in need of HAPPY diversions. The busy diversions don't do anything to occupy my mind. I'm mentally exhausted and I'm not sure how much more I can handle.

Tonight, we're putting our sweet baby boys (Will and Jake hate when I call them my babies, but ya know, they still are :)) in their pajamas and we're loading ourselves into the car with blankets and Christmas music. We're going to run through the ever healthy McDonald's drive through, grab some chicken nuggets and chocolate milk and we're going to drive around here, looking at Christmas lights. I can't handle another negative news story, ad, etc. etc. I need happy and carefree. My children and Christmas lights are happy and carefree - that's enough for me.

These pictures make me smile - hopefully they'll do the same for you :)



Here's the finished advent calendar - I'm doing 2 this year (one for my sister and one for my SIL). I'll do ours next year.

I hope you all enjoy your Fridays and your weekends.